Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Student Motivation-Task 5

Sorry for the late post. I was out of town and unexpectedly did not have Internet access.

I was not surprised that one of the major topics under the heading student motivation was project-based learning. In both the blog and the video a common strand was the necessity for authentic real-life tasks. They stressed that students are motivated by real-life issues and solutions. As I watched/listened, I was thinking that many of the projects my students participate in are active and interesting and cute (they look good). What I need to focus on in the future is keeping them true to life. This shouldn't be difficult with Spanish, I hope ;-)

I think that I can create projects that incorporate Spanish knowledge that they will need in day to day situations. One of my other goals this year is to incorporate service learning into my curriculum as well. I am considering a holiday unit where my students will learn how to say common holiday phrases with the end goal of collecting books or toys for Spanish-speaking children in the community.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of connecting service learning and project based assessment- I bet you can do this eventually- I bet it would be very motivating.
